Kapitel 84 Tabellen erstellen und exportieren

In diesem Kapitel lernen Sie folgendes:

  • Tabellen erstellen, die man für Publikationen benutzen kann
  • Exportieren und weiterverarbeiten dieser Tabellen

84.0.2 Pakete, die wir hier benutzen:


Im Resultateteil einer Arbeit gibt es verschiedene Tabellen.

  • Tabelle mit der Beschreibung der Stichprobe zu Beginn der Studie
  • Tabelle mit den Zusammenhängen oder Effekten, respektive den Antworten auf die Tests der Hypothesen

84.1 Beschreibung der Stichproben in einem Projekt mit drei Gruppen

Im ersten Beispiel benutzen wir in R das Paket tableone um eine Tabelle der Baseline-Werte einer Studie zu beschreiben.

Eine Einführung in das Paket finden wir hier: https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/tableone/vignettes/introduction.html.

  • Wir setzen alle Variablen in das Objekt myVars
  • Die Variablen, die wir mit Median und Interquartil-Range angeben wollen, kopieren wir in nonnormals
  • Alle Faktorvariablen kopieren wir auch in catVars
  • CreateTableOne erstellt die Tabelle
  • mit print geben wir die Tabelle aus. Die Option SMD zeigt uns die Effektrösse an.

Zwei Gruppen

options(width = 1200)
data<-rio::import("baseline_table_swiss_chef.RData") %>% 


myVars=c("age", "bmi_t0m0","mmse_t0m0", "FESI_t0m0" ,"TUG_t0m0","walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0", "five_time_sts_t0m0", "N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0","musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
nonnormals=c("bmi_t0m0", "mmse_t0m0")
catVars=c("musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
table_1 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, strata = "randomisation.factor" , data = data, factorVars = catVars)
print(table_1, nonnormal = nonnormals, smd=TRUE, formatOptions = list(big.mark = ","))
                                            Stratified by randomisation.factor
                                             T&E                  Otago                p      test    SMD   
  n                                            166                  158                                     
  age (mean (SD))                            78.83 (6.97)         78.58 (6.63)          0.748          0.036
  bmi_t0m0 (median [IQR])                    25.23 [22.47, 28.60] 24.92 [22.04, 27.73]  0.296 nonnorm  0.118
  mmse_t0m0 (median [IQR])                   29.00 [27.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00]  0.751 nonnorm  0.027
  FESI_t0m0 (mean (SD))                      27.69 (8.36)         27.81 (8.66)          0.901          0.014
  TUG_t0m0 (mean (SD))                       12.98 (5.19)         13.26 (6.28)          0.659          0.049
  walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 (mean (SD))         1.06 (0.35)          1.05 (0.34)          0.756          0.035
  five_time_sts_t0m0 (mean (SD))             16.46 (5.44)         16.88 (7.40)          0.585          0.064
  N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0 (mean (SD))  1.31 (1.52)          1.61 (3.05)          0.259          0.125
  musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 = Yes (%)      146 (90.1)           125 (83.3)          0.108          0.201
  urinary_incontinence_t0m0 = Yes (%)           60 (37.0)            40 (26.8)          0.072          0.220
  walking_aids = Yes (%)                        80 (48.5)            77 (48.7)          1.000          0.005
  living_situation_t0m0 (%)                                                             0.317          0.215
     Alone                                      82 (50.6)            88 (59.1)                              
     Couple                                     74 (45.7)            54 (36.2)                              
     Protected Appartment                        2 ( 1.2)             1 ( 0.7)                              
     With family members other than spouse       4 ( 2.5)             6 ( 4.0)                              

Drei Gruppen

options(width = 1200)



myVars=c("age", "bmi_t0m0","mmse_t0m0", "FESI_t0m0" ,"TUG_t0m0","walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0", "five_time_sts_t0m0", "N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0","musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
nonnormals=c("bmi_t0m0", "mmse_t0m0")
catVars=c("musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
table_1 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, strata = "randomisation.factor" , data = data, factorVars = catVars)
zumSpeichern<-print(table_1, nonnormal = nonnormals, smd=TRUE, formatOptions = list(big.mark = ","))
                                            Stratified by randomisation.factor
                                             Control              T&E                  Otago                p      test    SMD   
  n                                             81                  166                  158                                     
  age (mean (SD))                            80.19 (7.61)         78.83 (6.97)         78.58 (6.63)          0.224          0.149
  bmi_t0m0 (median [IQR])                    24.24 [22.33, 27.41] 25.23 [22.47, 28.60] 24.92 [22.04, 27.73]  0.351 nonnorm  0.108
  mmse_t0m0 (median [IQR])                   29.00 [28.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00]  0.581 nonnorm  0.080
  FESI_t0m0 (mean (SD))                      28.53 (9.93)         27.69 (8.36)         27.81 (8.66)          0.770          0.061
  TUG_t0m0 (mean (SD))                       13.27 (5.85)         12.98 (5.19)         13.26 (6.28)          0.888          0.034
  walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 (mean (SD))         1.01 (0.34)          1.06 (0.35)          1.05 (0.34)          0.470          0.110
  five_time_sts_t0m0 (mean (SD))             16.69 (6.03)         16.46 (5.44)         16.88 (7.40)          0.857          0.044
  N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0 (mean (SD))  1.21 (1.19)          1.31 (1.52)          1.61 (3.05)          0.319          0.123
  musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 = Yes (%)       64 (81.0)           146 (90.1)           125 (83.3)          0.096          0.174
  urinary_incontinence_t0m0 = Yes (%)           24 (30.4)            60 (37.0)            40 (26.8)          0.149          0.146
  walking_aids = Yes (%)                        39 (48.1)            80 (48.5)            77 (48.7)          0.996          0.008
  living_situation_t0m0 (%)                                                                                  0.580          0.191
     Alone                                      46 (58.2)            82 (50.6)            88 (59.1)                              
     Couple                                     30 (38.0)            74 (45.7)            54 (36.2)                              
     Protected Appartment                        0 ( 0.0)             2 ( 1.2)             1 ( 0.7)                              
     With family members other than spouse       3 ( 3.8)             4 ( 2.5)             6 ( 4.0)                              

Wir können die Tabelle auch speichern.

options(width = 1200)

write.csv(zumSpeichern, "table_1_drei_gruppen.csv")

oder als Excel-Datei.

zumSpeichern2<-tibble::rownames_to_column(data.frame(zumSpeichern), var = "Variablen")
rio::export(zumSpeichern2, "table_1_drei_gruppen.xlsx")

Falls wir schon in R etwas formatieren möchten.

zumSpeichern %>%
  kbl(caption = "Baseline characteristics of participants in the three groups") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Table 1.1: Baseline characteristics of participants in the three groups
Control T&E Otago p test SMD
n 81 166 158
age (mean (SD)) 80.19 (7.61) 78.83 (6.97) 78.58 (6.63) 0.224 0.149
bmi_t0m0 (median [IQR]) 24.24 [22.33, 27.41] 25.23 [22.47, 28.60] 24.92 [22.04, 27.73] 0.351 nonnorm 0.108
mmse_t0m0 (median [IQR]) 29.00 [28.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00] 0.581 nonnorm 0.080
FESI_t0m0 (mean (SD)) 28.53 (9.93) 27.69 (8.36) 27.81 (8.66) 0.770 0.061
TUG_t0m0 (mean (SD)) 13.27 (5.85) 12.98 (5.19) 13.26 (6.28) 0.888 0.034
walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 (mean (SD)) 1.01 (0.34) 1.06 (0.35) 1.05 (0.34) 0.470 0.110
five_time_sts_t0m0 (mean (SD)) 16.69 (6.03) 16.46 (5.44) 16.88 (7.40) 0.857 0.044
N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0 (mean (SD)) 1.21 (1.19) 1.31 (1.52) 1.61 (3.05) 0.319 0.123
musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 = Yes (%) 64 (81.0) 146 (90.1) 125 (83.3) 0.096 0.174
urinary_incontinence_t0m0 = Yes (%) 24 (30.4) 60 (37.0) 40 (26.8) 0.149 0.146
walking_aids = Yes (%) 39 (48.1) 80 (48.5) 77 (48.7) 0.996 0.008
living_situation_t0m0 (%) 0.580 0.191
Alone 46 (58.2) 82 (50.6) 88 (59.1)
Couple 30 (38.0) 74 (45.7) 54 (36.2)
Protected Appartment 0 ( 0.0) 2 ( 1.2) 1 ( 0.7)
With family members other than spouse 3 ( 3.8) 4 ( 2.5) 6 ( 4.0)

Damit die Variablennamen schöner sind, können wir Variablen-Labels erstellen.

Variablen-Labels können wir mit verschiedenen Paketen setzen. Wir benutzen hier das Hmisc Paket.

Hmisc::label(data$age)<-"Age, years"
Hmisc::label(data$mmse_t0m0)<-"Mini-Mental State Examination Test"

Hmisc::label(data$five_time_sts_t0m0)<-"Five-Time Sit-to-Stand Test"
Hmisc::label(data$TUG_t0m0)<-"Timed-up-and-Go Test"
Hmisc::label(data$walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0)<-"Walking Speed (fast speed)"
Hmisc::label(data$N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0)<-"Number of Falls in previous 12 months"
Hmisc::label(data$musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0)<-"Self-reported musculoskeletal disorder"
Hmisc::label(data$urinary_incontinence_t0m0)<-"Self-reported urinary incontincence"
Hmisc::label(data$walking_aids)<-"Walking aids"
Hmisc::label(data$living_situation_t0m0)<-"Living Situation"

Wieder die gleichen Befehle wie oben:

myVars=c("age", "bmi_t0m0","mmse_t0m0", "FESI_t0m0" ,"TUG_t0m0","walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0", "five_time_sts_t0m0", "N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0","musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
nonnormals=c("bmi_t0m0", "mmse_t0m0")
catVars=c("musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0", "urinary_incontinence_t0m0", "walking_aids", "living_situation_t0m0")
table_1 <- CreateTableOne(vars = myVars, strata = "randomisation.factor" , data = data, factorVars = catVars)

Wir müssen nur den folgenden print-Befehl benutzen:

print(table_1, smd = T, missing = T, explain = T, varLabels = T, printToggle = T, test = T)
                                                   Stratified by randomisation.factor
                                                    Control       T&E           Otago         p      test SMD    Missing
  n                                                    81           166           158                                   
  Age, years (mean (SD))                            80.19 (7.61)  78.83 (6.97)  78.58 (6.63)   0.224       0.149  0.0   
  BMI (mean (SD))                                   25.23 (4.65)  26.00 (4.76)  25.43 (4.90)   0.410       0.108  3.7   
  Mini-Mental State Examination Test (mean (SD))    28.49 (1.73)  28.29 (1.69)  28.34 (1.68)   0.668       0.080  0.0   
  FES-I (mean (SD))                                 28.53 (9.93)  27.69 (8.36)  27.81 (8.66)   0.770       0.061  0.0   
  Timed-up-and-Go Test (mean (SD))                  13.27 (5.85)  12.98 (5.19)  13.26 (6.28)   0.888       0.034  0.0   
  Walking Speed (fast speed) (mean (SD))             1.01 (0.34)   1.06 (0.35)   1.05 (0.34)   0.470       0.110  0.0   
  Five-Time Sit-to-Stand Test (mean (SD))           16.69 (6.03)  16.46 (5.44)  16.88 (7.40)   0.857       0.044 11.9   
  Number of Falls in previous 12 months (mean (SD))  1.21 (1.19)   1.31 (1.52)   1.61 (3.05)   0.319       0.123  0.0   
  Self-reported musculoskeletal disorder = Yes (%)     64 (81.0)    146 (90.1)    125 (83.3)   0.096       0.174  3.5   
  Self-reported urinary incontincence = Yes (%)        24 (30.4)     60 (37.0)     40 (26.8)   0.149       0.146  3.7   
  Walking aids = Yes (%)                               39 (48.1)     80 (48.5)     77 (48.7)   0.996       0.008  0.2   
  Living Situation (%)                                                                         0.580       0.191  3.7   
     Alone                                             46 (58.2)     82 (50.6)     88 (59.1)                            
     Couple                                            30 (38.0)     74 (45.7)     54 (36.2)                            
     Protected Appartment                               0 ( 0.0)      2 ( 1.2)      1 ( 0.7)                            
     With family members other than spouse              3 ( 3.8)      4 ( 2.5)      6 ( 4.0)                            
zumSpeichern<-print(table_1, nonnormal = nonnormals, smd=TRUE, formatOptions = list(big.mark = ","))
                                            Stratified by randomisation.factor
                                             Control              T&E                  Otago                p      test    SMD   
  n                                             81                  166                  158                                     
  age (mean (SD))                            80.19 (7.61)         78.83 (6.97)         78.58 (6.63)          0.224          0.149
  bmi_t0m0 (median [IQR])                    24.24 [22.33, 27.41] 25.23 [22.47, 28.60] 24.92 [22.04, 27.73]  0.351 nonnorm  0.108
  mmse_t0m0 (median [IQR])                   29.00 [28.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00] 29.00 [27.00, 30.00]  0.581 nonnorm  0.080
  FESI_t0m0 (mean (SD))                      28.53 (9.93)         27.69 (8.36)         27.81 (8.66)          0.770          0.061
  TUG_t0m0 (mean (SD))                       13.27 (5.85)         12.98 (5.19)         13.26 (6.28)          0.888          0.034
  walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 (mean (SD))         1.01 (0.34)          1.06 (0.35)          1.05 (0.34)          0.470          0.110
  five_time_sts_t0m0 (mean (SD))             16.69 (6.03)         16.46 (5.44)         16.88 (7.40)          0.857          0.044
  N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0 (mean (SD))  1.21 (1.19)          1.31 (1.52)          1.61 (3.05)          0.319          0.123
  musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 = Yes (%)       64 (81.0)           146 (90.1)           125 (83.3)          0.096          0.174
  urinary_incontinence_t0m0 = Yes (%)           24 (30.4)            60 (37.0)            40 (26.8)          0.149          0.146
  walking_aids = Yes (%)                        39 (48.1)            80 (48.5)            77 (48.7)          0.996          0.008
  living_situation_t0m0 (%)                                                                                  0.580          0.191
     Alone                                      46 (58.2)            82 (50.6)            88 (59.1)                              
     Couple                                     30 (38.0)            74 (45.7)            54 (36.2)                              
     Protected Appartment                        0 ( 0.0)             2 ( 1.2)             1 ( 0.7)                              
     With family members other than spouse       3 ( 3.8)             4 ( 2.5)             6 ( 4.0)                              

84.2 Tableby Arsenal

Wir können das gleiche auch mit einem anderen Paket, dem Arsenal mit dem tableby Befehl durchführen (hier klicken für ein längeres Tutorial.

Wir können zuerst kontrolieren, was für Statistiken benutzt werden.

mycontrols  <- tableby.control(test=FALSE, total=FALSE,
                               numeric.test="kwt", cat.test="chisq",
                               numeric.stats=c("N", "median", "q1q3"),
                               stats.labels=list(N='Count', median='Median', q1q3='Q1,Q3'))

Jetzt bilden wir die Tabelle

table1 <- tableby(randomisation.factor ~ age+ bmi_t0m0+mmse_t0m0+ FESI_t0m0 +TUG_t0m0+walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0+ five_time_sts_t0m0+ N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0+musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0+ urinary_incontinence_t0m0+ walking_aids, data=data)

Hier oben sehen wir noch nichts, jetzt können wir die Tabelle ausgeben. Da wir oben schon Variablen-Labels gesetzt haben, werden diese benutzt und nicht die Variablen-Namen.

Mehr zu Labels für tableby hier.

Control (N=81) T&E (N=166) Otago (N=158) Total (N=405) p value
Age, years 0.224
   Mean (SD) 80.185 (7.614) 78.825 (6.974) 78.582 (6.632) 79.002 (6.986)
   Range 65.000 - 100.000 65.000 - 96.000 67.000 - 93.000 65.000 - 100.000
BMI 0.410
   N-Miss 2 4 9 15
   Mean (SD) 25.228 (4.647) 26.001 (4.755) 25.430 (4.902) 25.626 (4.789)
   Range 17.147 - 45.914 15.423 - 43.288 15.418 - 43.828 15.418 - 45.914
Mini-Mental State Examination Test 0.668
   Mean (SD) 28.494 (1.733) 28.289 (1.692) 28.335 (1.684) 28.348 (1.694)
   Range 20.000 - 30.000 22.000 - 30.000 22.000 - 30.000 20.000 - 30.000
FES-I 0.770
   Mean (SD) 28.531 (9.929) 27.693 (8.363) 27.810 (8.664) 27.906 (8.796)
   Range 17.000 - 61.000 16.000 - 59.000 16.000 - 55.000 16.000 - 61.000
Timed-up-and-Go Test 0.888
   Mean (SD) 13.265 (5.853) 12.976 (5.191) 13.258 (6.281) 13.144 (5.757)
   Range 5.455 - 31.795 5.905 - 34.960 5.345 - 51.000 5.345 - 51.000
Walking Speed (fast speed) 0.470
   Mean (SD) 1.008 (0.340) 1.065 (0.348) 1.053 (0.343) 1.049 (0.344)
   Range 0.383 - 1.722 0.245 - 1.905 0.143 - 1.846 0.143 - 1.905
Five-Time Sit-to-Stand Test 0.857
   N-Miss 11 17 20 48
   Mean (SD) 16.690 (6.030) 16.461 (5.444) 16.879 (7.402) 16.668 (6.363)
   Range 8.050 - 35.395 8.050 - 41.470 7.000 - 54.000 7.000 - 54.000
Number of Falls in previous 12 months 0.319
   Mean (SD) 1.210 (1.191) 1.307 (1.516) 1.608 (3.053) 1.405 (2.207)
   Range 0.000 - 6.000 0.000 - 10.000 0.000 - 30.000 0.000 - 30.000
Self-reported musculoskeletal disorder 0.096
   N-Miss 2 4 8 14
   No 15 (19.0%) 16 (9.9%) 25 (16.7%) 56 (14.3%)
   Yes 64 (81.0%) 146 (90.1%) 125 (83.3%) 335 (85.7%)
Self-reported urinary incontincence 0.149
   N-Miss 2 4 9 15
   No 55 (69.6%) 102 (63.0%) 109 (73.2%) 266 (68.2%)
   Yes 24 (30.4%) 60 (37.0%) 40 (26.8%) 124 (31.8%)
Walking aids 0.996
   N-Miss 0 1 0 1
   No 42 (51.9%) 85 (51.5%) 81 (51.3%) 208 (51.5%)
   Yes 39 (48.1%) 80 (48.5%) 77 (48.7%) 196 (48.5%)

Wir könnten jedoch auch direkt mit der Option labelTranslations eingeben, was wir in der Tabelle sehen möchten. Hier nur am Beispiel von drei Variablen:

        labelTranslations = list(age="Age in years", bmi_t0m0="Body Mass Index (BMI)", N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0="Number of falls in the twelve months before the baseline"))
Control (N=81) T&E (N=166) Otago (N=158) Total (N=405) p value
Age in years 0.224
   Mean (SD) 80.185 (7.614) 78.825 (6.974) 78.582 (6.632) 79.002 (6.986)
   Range 65.000 - 100.000 65.000 - 96.000 67.000 - 93.000 65.000 - 100.000
Body Mass Index (BMI) 0.410
   N-Miss 2 4 9 15
   Mean (SD) 25.228 (4.647) 26.001 (4.755) 25.430 (4.902) 25.626 (4.789)
   Range 17.147 - 45.914 15.423 - 43.288 15.418 - 43.828 15.418 - 45.914
Mini-Mental State Examination Test 0.668
   Mean (SD) 28.494 (1.733) 28.289 (1.692) 28.335 (1.684) 28.348 (1.694)
   Range 20.000 - 30.000 22.000 - 30.000 22.000 - 30.000 20.000 - 30.000
FES-I 0.770
   Mean (SD) 28.531 (9.929) 27.693 (8.363) 27.810 (8.664) 27.906 (8.796)
   Range 17.000 - 61.000 16.000 - 59.000 16.000 - 55.000 16.000 - 61.000
Timed-up-and-Go Test 0.888
   Mean (SD) 13.265 (5.853) 12.976 (5.191) 13.258 (6.281) 13.144 (5.757)
   Range 5.455 - 31.795 5.905 - 34.960 5.345 - 51.000 5.345 - 51.000
Walking Speed (fast speed) 0.470
   Mean (SD) 1.008 (0.340) 1.065 (0.348) 1.053 (0.343) 1.049 (0.344)
   Range 0.383 - 1.722 0.245 - 1.905 0.143 - 1.846 0.143 - 1.905
Five-Time Sit-to-Stand Test 0.857
   N-Miss 11 17 20 48
   Mean (SD) 16.690 (6.030) 16.461 (5.444) 16.879 (7.402) 16.668 (6.363)
   Range 8.050 - 35.395 8.050 - 41.470 7.000 - 54.000 7.000 - 54.000
Number of falls in the twelve months before the baseline 0.319
   Mean (SD) 1.210 (1.191) 1.307 (1.516) 1.608 (3.053) 1.405 (2.207)
   Range 0.000 - 6.000 0.000 - 10.000 0.000 - 30.000 0.000 - 30.000
Self-reported musculoskeletal disorder 0.096
   N-Miss 2 4 8 14
   No 15 (19.0%) 16 (9.9%) 25 (16.7%) 56 (14.3%)
   Yes 64 (81.0%) 146 (90.1%) 125 (83.3%) 335 (85.7%)
Self-reported urinary incontincence 0.149
   N-Miss 2 4 9 15
   No 55 (69.6%) 102 (63.0%) 109 (73.2%) 266 (68.2%)
   Yes 24 (30.4%) 60 (37.0%) 40 (26.8%) 124 (31.8%)
Walking aids 0.996
   N-Miss 0 1 0 1
   No 42 (51.9%) 85 (51.5%) 81 (51.3%) 208 (51.5%)
   Yes 39 (48.1%) 80 (48.5%) 77 (48.7%) 196 (48.5%)

84.3 Beispiel mit Re-Organisation der Daten

Im nächsten Beispiel müssen wir zuerst die Daten umorganisieren, damit wir möglichst einfach eine Tabelle über die verschiedenen Zeitpunkte darstellen können.


Im ersten Schritt ändern wir die Namen einiger Variablen, so dass das pivot_longer einfacher funktioniert.

  • Wir möchten, dass alle Variablennamen nur ein *_* enthalten, und zwar vor der Kennzeichnung des Zeitpunktes.
  • Also nicht: sppb_total_t2m12, sondern sppb.total_t2m12

So können wir beim pivot_longer den *_* benutzen, um den Zeitpunkt abzutrennen.

data<-data %>% 

Nun können wir in einem ersten pivot_longer den Zeitpunkt ins long Format transformieren, so dass für jeden Zeitpunkt eine Line (pro Patient:in) vorhanden ist.

data_long<-data %>%
    pivot_longer(cols=-c(id, randomisation.factor),
        names_to = c(".value", "time"),
        names_sep = '_')
# A tibble: 6 × 9
     id randomisation.factor time   FESI sppb.total functional.reach   TUG walking.speed.6mwt opqol.35.total
  <int> <fct>                <chr> <int>      <dbl>            <dbl> <dbl>              <dbl>          <int>
1     1 Otago                t0m0     24          9             36.2  9.2               1.48             139
2     1 Otago                t1m6     21          8             42.8  6.9               2.45             142
3     1 Otago                t2m12    26          7             38.8  7.05              2.12             135
4     2 T&E                  t0m0     43          5             27.5 24.3               0.434            142
5     2 T&E                  t1m6     21          8             35.3 13.6               0.8              147
6     2 T&E                  t2m12    19          8             27.3 12.5               0.947            150

Jetzt möchten wir auch noch die Variablen ins long Format umwandeln.

data_long_long<-data_long %>% 
  pivot_longer(cols=-c(id, randomisation.factor, time))
# A tibble: 6 × 5
     id randomisation.factor time  name                value
  <int> <fct>                <chr> <chr>               <dbl>
1     1 Otago                t0m0  FESI                24   
2     1 Otago                t0m0  sppb.total           9   
3     1 Otago                t0m0  functional.reach    36.2 
4     1 Otago                t0m0  TUG                  9.2 
5     1 Otago                t0m0  walking.speed.6mwt   1.48
6     1 Otago                t0m0  opqol.35.total     139   

Mit diesem Format können wir relativ einfach eine Tabelle erstellen. Damit die fehlenden Werte auch für das n berücksichtigt werden, bentzen wir wieder die length2 Funktion, die wir ja schon kennen http://www.cookbook-r.com/Manipulating_data/Summarizing_data/.

length2 <- function (x, na.rm=FALSE) {
        if (na.rm) sum(!is.na(x))
        else       length(x)

table_summary<-data_long_long %>% 
  dplyr::select(-id) %>% 
  group_by(name, randomisation.factor, time) %>% 
                   .fns=list(mean=mean, sd=sd, n=length2), na.rm=TRUE, 
                   .names="{col}_{fn}")) %>% 
  mutate(lci=value_mean-abs(qt(0.025,df=value_n-1))*(value_sd/value_n^0.5)) %>% 
  mutate(uci=value_mean+abs(qt(0.025,df=value_n-1))*value_sd/value_n^0.5) %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("mean"), round,1)) %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("sd"), round,1)) %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("ci"), round,1)) %>% 
    arrange(randomisation.factor) %>% 
  dplyr::select(name, randomisation.factor,time, value_n, value_mean, value_sd, lci, uci )
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'name', 'randomisation.factor'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
table_summary %>%
  kbl(caption = "Values at different time-points") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Table 54.2: Values at different time-points
name randomisation.factor time value_n value_mean value_sd lci uci
FESI Control t0m0 41 26.9 10.4 23.6 30.2
FESI Control t1m6 41 24.7 9.1 21.8 27.5
FESI Control t2m12 41 25.4 11.0 22.0 28.9
functional.reach Control t0m0 40 24.6 9.8 21.5 27.7
functional.reach Control t1m6 40 26.4 8.3 23.8 29.1
functional.reach Control t2m12 39 25.7 9.6 22.5 28.8
opqol.35.total Control t0m0 41 140.3 18.9 134.4 146.3
opqol.35.total Control t1m6 41 141.8 18.7 135.9 147.7
opqol.35.total Control t2m12 41 140.1 19.8 133.9 146.4
sppb.total Control t0m0 41 8.1 1.3 7.7 8.6
sppb.total Control t1m6 41 8.1 1.2 7.7 8.5
sppb.total Control t2m12 41 8.1 1.1 7.7 8.4
TUG Control t0m0 41 12.4 5.1 10.8 14.1
TUG Control t1m6 41 12.4 5.1 10.8 14.0
TUG Control t2m12 41 12.2 5.0 10.7 13.8
walking.speed.6mwt Control t0m0 41 1.1 0.3 1.0 1.2
walking.speed.6mwt Control t1m6 41 1.1 0.3 1.0 1.2
walking.speed.6mwt Control t2m12 41 1.1 0.4 1.0 1.2
FESI T&E t0m0 87 26.6 7.4 25.0 28.1
FESI T&E t1m6 87 23.5 5.4 22.4 24.7
FESI T&E t2m12 87 24.1 5.9 22.9 25.4
functional.reach T&E t0m0 87 25.9 9.2 23.9 27.9
functional.reach T&E t1m6 87 27.1 9.6 25.1 29.2
functional.reach T&E t2m12 87 26.1 8.2 24.4 27.8
opqol.35.total T&E t0m0 86 141.9 15.1 138.7 145.1
opqol.35.total T&E t1m6 87 142.9 14.1 139.9 145.9
opqol.35.total T&E t2m12 87 145.3 14.7 142.2 148.5
sppb.total T&E t0m0 87 7.9 1.4 7.6 8.2
sppb.total T&E t1m6 87 8.4 1.2 8.2 8.7
sppb.total T&E t2m12 87 8.4 1.3 8.1 8.6
TUG T&E t0m0 87 11.9 4.1 11.0 12.7
TUG T&E t1m6 87 11.1 3.4 10.4 11.8
TUG T&E t2m12 87 11.3 3.8 10.5 12.1
walking.speed.6mwt T&E t0m0 87 1.1 0.3 1.0 1.1
walking.speed.6mwt T&E t1m6 87 1.1 0.3 1.1 1.2
walking.speed.6mwt T&E t2m12 87 1.1 0.3 1.1 1.2
FESI Otago t0m0 85 26.7 7.7 25.0 28.3
FESI Otago t1m6 84 23.3 5.1 22.2 24.4
FESI Otago t2m12 85 24.1 5.7 22.9 25.3
functional.reach Otago t0m0 84 27.0 12.1 24.3 29.6
functional.reach Otago t1m6 83 25.3 8.7 23.4 27.2
functional.reach Otago t2m12 84 25.4 9.3 23.4 27.5
opqol.35.total Otago t0m0 85 141.7 15.3 138.4 145.0
opqol.35.total Otago t1m6 84 144.5 14.9 141.2 147.7
opqol.35.total Otago t2m12 85 143.3 14.9 140.1 146.5
sppb.total Otago t0m0 85 7.9 1.3 7.7 8.2
sppb.total Otago t1m6 84 8.4 1.2 8.1 8.7
sppb.total Otago t2m12 85 8.4 1.3 8.1 8.7
TUG Otago t0m0 85 12.1 5.1 11.0 13.2
TUG Otago t1m6 84 11.3 4.5 10.3 12.3
TUG Otago t2m12 85 11.9 5.7 10.6 13.1
walking.speed.6mwt Otago t0m0 85 1.1 0.3 1.0 1.2
walking.speed.6mwt Otago t1m6 84 1.2 0.4 1.1 1.3
walking.speed.6mwt Otago t2m12 85 1.2 0.4 1.1 1.2

Falls wir jetzt noch die Within-Group Differenzen berechnen möchten, könnten wir dies mit einem kleinen Umweg auch noch tun. Wir wollen den Zeitpunkt jetzt wieder im wide Format.

data_long_wide<-data_long_long %>% 
  pivot_wider(id_cols=c(id, randomisation.factor, name), 

So können wir die Differenzen einfach berechnen:

data_long_wide<-data_long_wide %>% 

Wir können auch noch die 95% Konfidenzintervalle berechnen.

Da wir hier mehr Variablen haben, wird das kodieren etwas komplizierter.

Zuerst erstellen wir eine summary Tabelle.

table_summary<-data_long_wide %>% 
  dplyr::select(-id) %>% 
  group_by(name, randomisation.factor) %>% 
                   .fns=list(n=length2, mean=mean, sd=sd ), na.rm=TRUE, 
  mutate(lci_diff_t1_minus_t0=diff_t1_minus_t0_mean-abs(qt(0.025,df=diff_t1_minus_t0_n-1))*(diff_t1_minus_t0_sd/diff_t1_minus_t0_n^0.5)) %>% 
  mutate(uci_diff_t1_minus_t0=diff_t1_minus_t0_mean+abs(qt(0.025,df=diff_t1_minus_t0_n-1))*diff_t1_minus_t0_sd/diff_t1_minus_t0_n^0.5) %>% 
  mutate(lci_diff_t2_minus_t0=diff_t2_minus_t0_mean-abs(qt(0.025,df=diff_t2_minus_t1_n-1))*(diff_t2_minus_t1_sd/diff_t2_minus_t1_n^0.5)) %>% 
  mutate(uci_diff_t2_minus_t0=diff_t2_minus_t0_mean+abs(qt(0.025,df=diff_t2_minus_t1_n-1))*diff_t2_minus_t1_sd/diff_t2_minus_t1_n^0.5) %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("mean"), round,1)) %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("sd"), round,1)) %>% 
`summarise()` has grouped output by 'name'. You can override using the `.groups` argument.
table_summary %>%
  kbl(caption = "Within group changes") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Table 61.5: Within group changes
name randomisation.factor t0m0_n t0m0_mean t0m0_sd t1m6_n t1m6_mean t1m6_sd t2m12_n t2m12_mean t2m12_sd diff_t1_minus_t0_n diff_t1_minus_t0_mean diff_t1_minus_t0_sd diff_t2_minus_t0_n diff_t2_minus_t0_mean diff_t2_minus_t0_sd diff_t2_minus_t1_n diff_t2_minus_t1_mean diff_t2_minus_t1_sd lci_diff_t1_minus_t0 uci_diff_t1_minus_t0 lci_diff_t2_minus_t0 uci_diff_t2_minus_t0
FESI Control 41 26.9 10.4 41 24.7 9.1 41 25.4 11.0 41 -2.2 5.8 41 -1.5 5.8 41 0.8 5.6 -4.0732207 -0.4145841 -3.2314326 0.3046033
functional.reach Control 40 24.6 9.8 40 26.4 8.3 39 25.7 9.6 39 1.1 7.7 38 0.9 11.1 39 -0.4 10.5 -1.4007037 3.5904473 -2.5009118 4.3026662
opqol.35.total Control 41 140.3 18.9 41 141.8 18.7 41 140.1 19.8 41 1.4 10.1 41 -0.2 13.4 41 -1.6 12.1 -1.7879547 4.6172230 -4.0345388 3.5955144
sppb.total Control 41 8.1 1.3 41 8.1 1.2 41 8.1 1.1 41 -0.1 1.2 41 0.0 1.2 41 0.0 0.9 -0.4557991 0.3094577 -0.3439308 0.2463698
TUG Control 41 12.4 5.1 41 12.4 5.1 41 12.2 5.0 41 -0.1 2.4 41 -0.2 2.7 41 -0.1 2.4 -0.8155377 0.7072450 -0.9529633 0.5466219
walking.speed.6mwt Control 41 1.1 0.3 41 1.1 0.3 41 1.1 0.4 41 0.0 0.2 41 0.0 0.3 41 0.0 0.2 -0.0456944 0.0842713 -0.0548503 0.0932705
FESI T&E 87 26.6 7.4 87 23.5 5.4 87 24.1 5.9 87 -3.0 6.4 87 -2.4 6.1 87 0.6 4.4 -4.3880780 -1.6808875 -3.3751005 -1.4984627
functional.reach T&E 87 25.9 9.2 87 27.1 9.6 87 26.1 8.2 87 1.2 10.4 87 0.2 9.8 87 -1.0 10.1 -0.9995736 3.4377345 -1.9508368 2.3598790
opqol.35.total T&E 86 141.9 15.1 87 142.9 14.1 87 145.3 14.7 86 1.0 9.7 86 3.4 10.7 87 2.4 10.6 -1.0891447 3.0658889 1.1102294 5.6107008
sppb.total T&E 87 7.9 1.4 87 8.4 1.2 87 8.4 1.3 87 0.6 1.3 87 0.5 1.4 87 0.0 1.1 0.2725890 0.8308593 0.2818591 0.7526237
TUG T&E 87 11.9 4.1 87 11.1 3.4 87 11.3 3.8 87 -0.8 2.6 87 -0.6 2.8 87 0.2 2.0 -1.3261738 -0.2306078 -1.0290620 -0.1582943
walking.speed.6mwt T&E 87 1.1 0.3 87 1.1 0.3 87 1.1 0.3 87 0.0 0.2 87 0.1 0.2 87 0.0 0.2 0.0058614 0.0850822 0.0057850 0.1003998
FESI Otago 85 26.7 7.7 84 23.3 5.1 85 24.1 5.7 84 -3.3 5.7 85 -2.6 5.4 84 0.7 3.8 -4.5518854 -2.0909717 -3.4215621 -1.7784379
functional.reach Otago 84 27.0 12.1 83 25.3 8.7 84 25.4 9.3 82 -1.0 10.7 84 -1.5 13.9 82 0.5 7.5 -3.3429794 1.3439550 -3.1818255 0.1307938
opqol.35.total Otago 85 141.7 15.3 84 144.5 14.9 85 143.3 14.9 84 2.5 10.5 85 1.7 10.3 84 -0.8 8.9 0.2342317 4.7895778 -0.2657259 3.5833730
sppb.total Otago 85 7.9 1.3 84 8.4 1.2 85 8.4 1.3 84 0.5 1.2 85 0.5 1.2 84 0.0 0.9 0.2067477 0.7218237 0.2804985 0.6842074
TUG Otago 85 12.1 5.1 84 11.3 4.5 85 11.9 5.7 84 -0.8 3.0 85 -0.2 4.3 84 0.5 2.4 -1.4673786 -0.1853595 -0.7730999 0.2773351
walking.speed.6mwt Otago 85 1.1 0.3 84 1.2 0.4 85 1.2 0.4 84 0.1 0.2 85 0.0 0.2 84 0.0 0.2 0.0284494 0.1191464 -0.0093507 0.0865680

Natürlich müssen wir uns bewusst sein, dass die Veränderungen innerhalb einer Gruppe in einer RCT praktisch keine Aussagekraft haben. Wir müssen unbedingt die Zwischengruppenvergleiche berechnen.

Ausserdem würde die Tabelle wie folgt besser aussehen:

table_summary_wide<-table_summary %>% 
# A tibble: 6 × 55
# Groups:   name [6]
  name               t0m0_n_Control `t0m0_n_T&E` t0m0_n_Otago t0m0_mean_Control `t0m0_mean_T&E` t0m0_mean_Otago t0m0_sd_Control `t0m0_sd_T&E` t0m0_sd_Otago t1m6_n_Control `t1m6_n_T&E` t1m6_n_Otago t1m6_mean_Control `t1m6_mean_T&E` t1m6_mean_Otago t1m6_sd_Control `t1m6_sd_T&E` t1m6_sd_Otago t2m12_n_Control `t2m12_n_T&E` t2m12_n_Otago t2m12_mean_Control `t2m12_mean_T&E` t2m12_mean_Otago t2m12_sd_Control `t2m12_sd_T&E` t2m12_sd_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_n_Control `diff_t1_minus_t0_n_T&E` diff_t1_minus_t0_n_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_Control `diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_T&E` diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_Control `diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_T&E` diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_n_Control `diff_t2_minus_t0_n_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t0_n_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_Control `diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_Control `diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_n_Control `diff_t2_minus_t1_n_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t1_n_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_Control `diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_Control `diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_T&E` diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_Otago
  <chr>                       <int>        <int>        <int>             <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>          <int>        <int>        <int>             <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>           <dbl>         <dbl>         <dbl>           <int>         <int>         <int>              <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>            <dbl>          <dbl>          <dbl>                      <int>                    <int>                    <int>                         <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                     <dbl>                     <dbl>                      <int>                    <int>                    <int>                         <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                     <dbl>                     <dbl>                      <int>                    <int>                    <int>                         <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                       <dbl>                     <dbl>                     <dbl>
1 FESI                           41           87           85              26.9            26.6            26.7            10.4           7.4           7.7             41           87           84              24.7            23.5            23.3             9.1           5.4           5.1              41            87            85               25.4             24.1             24.1             11              5.9            5.7                         41                       87                       84                          -2.2                        -3                          -3.3                         5.8                       6.4                       5.7                         41                       87                       85                          -1.5                        -2.4                        -2.6                         5.8                       6.1                       5.4                         41                       87                       84                           0.8                         0.6                         0.7                         5.6                       4.4                       3.8
2 functional.reach               40           87           84              24.6            25.9            27               9.8           9.2          12.1             40           87           83              26.4            27.1            25.3             8.3           9.6           8.7              39            87            84               25.7             26.1             25.4              9.6            8.2            9.3                         39                       87                       82                           1.1                         1.2                        -1                           7.7                      10.4                      10.7                         38                       87                       84                           0.9                         0.2                        -1.5                        11.1                       9.8                      13.9                         39                       87                       82                          -0.4                        -1                           0.5                        10.5                      10.1                       7.5
3 opqol.35.total                 41           86           85             140.            142.            142.             18.9          15.1          15.3             41           87           84             142.            143.            144.             18.7          14.1          14.9              41            87            85              140.             145.             143.              19.8           14.7           14.9                         41                       86                       84                           1.4                         1                           2.5                        10.1                       9.7                      10.5                         41                       86                       85                          -0.2                         3.4                         1.7                        13.4                      10.7                      10.3                         41                       87                       84                          -1.6                         2.4                        -0.8                        12.1                      10.6                       8.9
4 sppb.total                     41           87           85               8.1             7.9             7.9             1.3           1.4           1.3             41           87           84               8.1             8.4             8.4             1.2           1.2           1.2              41            87            85                8.1              8.4              8.4              1.1            1.3            1.3                         41                       87                       84                          -0.1                         0.6                         0.5                         1.2                       1.3                       1.2                         41                       87                       85                           0                           0.5                         0.5                         1.2                       1.4                       1.2                         41                       87                       84                           0                           0                           0                           0.9                       1.1                       0.9
5 TUG                            41           87           85              12.4            11.9            12.1             5.1           4.1           5.1             41           87           84              12.4            11.1            11.3             5.1           3.4           4.5              41            87            85               12.2             11.3             11.9              5              3.8            5.7                         41                       87                       84                          -0.1                        -0.8                        -0.8                         2.4                       2.6                       3                           41                       87                       85                          -0.2                        -0.6                        -0.2                         2.7                       2.8                       4.3                         41                       87                       84                          -0.1                         0.2                         0.5                         2.4                       2                         2.4
6 walking.speed.6mwt             41           87           85               1.1             1.1             1.1             0.3           0.3           0.3             41           87           84               1.1             1.1             1.2             0.3           0.3           0.4              41            87            85                1.1              1.1              1.2              0.4            0.3            0.4                         41                       87                       84                           0                           0                           0.1                         0.2                       0.2                       0.2                         41                       87                       85                           0                           0.1                         0                           0.3                       0.2                       0.2                         41                       87                       84                           0                           0                           0                           0.2                       0.2                       0.2

Jetzt können wir noch etwas Ordnung erstellen.

table_summary_wide<-table_summary_wide %>% 
  mutate(across(contains("mean") | contains("sd"), round, 2)) %>% 
  dplyr::select(contains("Control"), contains("T&E"),contains("Otago"))
Adding missing grouping variables: `name`
table_summary_wide %>%
  kbl(caption = "Within group changes") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Table 61.7: Within group changes
name t0m0_n_Control t0m0_mean_Control t0m0_sd_Control t1m6_n_Control t1m6_mean_Control t1m6_sd_Control t2m12_n_Control t2m12_mean_Control t2m12_sd_Control diff_t1_minus_t0_n_Control diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_Control diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_Control diff_t2_minus_t0_n_Control diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_Control diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_Control diff_t2_minus_t1_n_Control diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_Control diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_Control t0m0_n_T&E t0m0_mean_T&E t0m0_sd_T&E t1m6_n_T&E t1m6_mean_T&E t1m6_sd_T&E t2m12_n_T&E t2m12_mean_T&E t2m12_sd_T&E diff_t1_minus_t0_n_T&E diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_T&E diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_T&E diff_t2_minus_t0_n_T&E diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_T&E diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_T&E diff_t2_minus_t1_n_T&E diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_T&E diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_T&E t0m0_n_Otago t0m0_mean_Otago t0m0_sd_Otago t1m6_n_Otago t1m6_mean_Otago t1m6_sd_Otago t2m12_n_Otago t2m12_mean_Otago t2m12_sd_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_n_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_mean_Otago diff_t1_minus_t0_sd_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_n_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_mean_Otago diff_t2_minus_t0_sd_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_n_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_mean_Otago diff_t2_minus_t1_sd_Otago
FESI 41 26.9 10.4 41 24.7 9.1 41 25.4 11.0 41 -2.2 5.8 41 -1.5 5.8 41 0.8 5.6 87 26.6 7.4 87 23.5 5.4 87 24.1 5.9 87 -3.0 6.4 87 -2.4 6.1 87 0.6 4.4 85 26.7 7.7 84 23.3 5.1 85 24.1 5.7 84 -3.3 5.7 85 -2.6 5.4 84 0.7 3.8
functional.reach 40 24.6 9.8 40 26.4 8.3 39 25.7 9.6 39 1.1 7.7 38 0.9 11.1 39 -0.4 10.5 87 25.9 9.2 87 27.1 9.6 87 26.1 8.2 87 1.2 10.4 87 0.2 9.8 87 -1.0 10.1 84 27.0 12.1 83 25.3 8.7 84 25.4 9.3 82 -1.0 10.7 84 -1.5 13.9 82 0.5 7.5
opqol.35.total 41 140.3 18.9 41 141.8 18.7 41 140.1 19.8 41 1.4 10.1 41 -0.2 13.4 41 -1.6 12.1 86 141.9 15.1 87 142.9 14.1 87 145.3 14.7 86 1.0 9.7 86 3.4 10.7 87 2.4 10.6 85 141.7 15.3 84 144.5 14.9 85 143.3 14.9 84 2.5 10.5 85 1.7 10.3 84 -0.8 8.9
sppb.total 41 8.1 1.3 41 8.1 1.2 41 8.1 1.1 41 -0.1 1.2 41 0.0 1.2 41 0.0 0.9 87 7.9 1.4 87 8.4 1.2 87 8.4 1.3 87 0.6 1.3 87 0.5 1.4 87 0.0 1.1 85 7.9 1.3 84 8.4 1.2 85 8.4 1.3 84 0.5 1.2 85 0.5 1.2 84 0.0 0.9
TUG 41 12.4 5.1 41 12.4 5.1 41 12.2 5.0 41 -0.1 2.4 41 -0.2 2.7 41 -0.1 2.4 87 11.9 4.1 87 11.1 3.4 87 11.3 3.8 87 -0.8 2.6 87 -0.6 2.8 87 0.2 2.0 85 12.1 5.1 84 11.3 4.5 85 11.9 5.7 84 -0.8 3.0 85 -0.2 4.3 84 0.5 2.4
walking.speed.6mwt 41 1.1 0.3 41 1.1 0.3 41 1.1 0.4 41 0.0 0.2 41 0.0 0.3 41 0.0 0.2 87 1.1 0.3 87 1.1 0.3 87 1.1 0.3 87 0.0 0.2 87 0.1 0.2 87 0.0 0.2 85 1.1 0.3 84 1.2 0.4 85 1.2 0.4 84 0.1 0.2 85 0.0 0.2 84 0.0 0.2

Wir können dies nun nach Excel exportieren und dort formatieren, oder wir könnten dies etwas umständlich - aber programierbar - in R tun.

Falls wir mit rio::export die Tabelle in eine Excel-Datei speichern, wird die Excel-Datei überschrieben.

Was wir möchten, ist nur ein Tabellenblatt im Excel zu ersetzen. So können wir einem zweiten Excel-Blatt die Formatierungen vornehmen und ein erneutes Speichern der Tabelle wird die formatierte Tabelle nur updaten und nicht überschreiben.

Dies können wir mit dem Paket OpenXls tun.

Für mehr Hintergrund siehe hier.

Wir erstellen zuerst ausserhalb R eine leere Exceldatei. Ich habe diese für dieses Beispel Tabelle_Beispiel.xlsx genannt.

  • Die Datei wird hier ins R-Studio geladen.
boldHeader <- createStyle(textDecoration = 'bold') # Makes first row bold
wb <- loadWorkbook("Tabelle_Beispiel.xlsx")

Hier überprüft R, ob die Datei schon ein Tabellenblatt ‘Table 3 Change’ hat, falls nicht, wird es erstellt.

if (!('Table 3 Change' %in% names(wb))) addWorksheet(wb, 'Table 3 Change')

openxlsx::writeData(wb, sheet = 'Table 3 Change', x = table_summary_wide ,
            startCol = "A",
            startRow = 2,
            colNames = TRUE) # Do not print Header Line with Column Names # thanks to: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/58935898/how-can-you-change-single-entries-in-an-excel-file-with-r-and-not-the-entire-dat

setColWidths(wb, 'Table 3 Change', cols = 1:ncol(table_summary), widths = 'auto')
saveWorkbook(wb, 'Tabelle_Beispiel.xlsx', overwrite = T)  

84.4 Flexible Tabelle in Stata erstellen

Stata hat verschiedene user-written Programme, mit denen automatisch Tabellen erstellt werden können. Weiter hat Stata nun auch sehr mächtige Tools um Tabellen sehr flexibel zu erstellen. Ich konnte mich jedoch an diese Methoden nicht gewöhnen und erstelle meine Tabellen immerd noch selber. Das ist sicher nicht der einfachste Weg, aber sehr flexibel.

84.4.1 Baseline Tabelle einer RCT, Variante btable

Hier benutze ich auch ein user-written Programm, nämlich das btable.

use stata_baseline_table, clear
local continuous age bmi_t0m0 N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0  mmse_t0m0 FESI_t0m0 TUG_t0m0 walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 five_time_sts_t0m0 one_leg_stand_30sec_t0m0 sppb_total_t0m0 number_of_medication_t0m0

local categorical urban_rural fall_last_12months_t0m0 No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0 fall_risk_category_t0m0 sex  neurological_disease_t0m0 musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 urinary_incontinence_t0m0 vision_impairment_t0m0 walking_aids fear_of_falling_t0m0 living_situat~ Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor

keep `continuous' `categorical'

 btable `continuous' `categorical' `count', by(randomisation_factor) saving("table_1") cat(`categorical') conti(`continuous')
 btable_format using "table_1", clear
 export excel using "Table_1_Stata.xlsx", sheet("Table_1") sheetmodify
variable randomisation_factor not found
(error in option by())

end of do-file

Wir können die Tabelle im Excel in einem zweiten Tabellenblatt formatieren. Das werde ich später in einem Video zeigen. Hier nur die unformatierte Version:

Error in rio::import("Table_1_Stata.xlsx"): No such file
table %>%
  kbl(caption = "Baseline characteristics of participants in the three groups") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Error in as.data.frame.default(x): cannot coerce class '"function"' to a data.frame

84.4.2 Baseline Table, Variante 2

Hier ist eine etwas komplexere Version, Sie müssen jedoch im Do-File einfach folgende Schritte durchführen:

    1. Installieren Sie mit ssc install findname
    1. Laden Sie die Daten
    1. Schreiben Sie alle gewünschten kontinuierlichen Variablen in das Local Macro continuous. Für Mean (SD)
    1. Schreiben Sie alle gewünschten ordinalen oder schiefen Variablen in das Local Macro ordinal. Für Median (IQR)
    1. Schreiben Sie alle gewünschten kategoriellen (auch binäre) Variablen in das Local Macro categorical
    1. Definieren Sie die Gruppierungsvariable im Local Macro groupingVariable
    1. Definieren Sie, wie Sie Mean und SD runden möchten (geben Sie die Anzahl Stellen nach dem Komma ein)
    1. Definieren Sie, wie Sie Median und IQR runden möchten (geben Sie die Anzahl Stellen nach dem Komma ein)
    1. Definieren Sie, wie Sie Prozente runden möchten (geben Sie die Anzahl Stellen nach dem Komma ein)
    *! Version 0.1  25 November 2022
    *! by Roger Hilfiker roger.hilfiker@pm.me 
    version 17.0
    *! You need to install findname with sss install findname 
    * ssc install findname, replace 
    *! You need to do the following steps: 
        * 1) Load the data 
            use stata_baseline_table.dta, clear

        * 2) Write all your continuous variables in the local continuous just below  (i.e. for those variable you want to calculate mean and sd)
                local continuous age bmi_t0m0 N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0  mmse_t0m0 FESI_t0m0 TUG_t0m0 walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 five_time_sts_t0m0 one_leg_stand_30sec_t0m0  
        * 3) Write all your ordinal or skewed variables in the local ordinal (i.e. those variable for which you want to calculate median and iqr)

                local ordinal sppb_total_t0m0 number_of_medication_t0m0 
        * 4) Write all your categorical variables in the local categorical just below 
                local categorical urban_rural fall_last_12months_t0m0 No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0 fall_risk_category_t0m0 sex  neurological_disease_t0m0 musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 urinary_incontinence_t0m0 vision_impairment_t0m0 walking_aids fear_of_falling_t0m0 living_situation_t0m0 Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor

        * 5) Write the grouping variable in the next macro groupingVariable
                local groupingVariable randomisation_factor
        * 6) Define how the mean and sd values should be rounded, i.e 1 means 3.1, 2 means 3.13, 3 means 3.132
                local digits_mean_sd 2
        * 7) Define how the median and iqr alues should be rounded, i.e 1 means 3.1, 2 means 3.13, 3 means 3.132
                local digits_median_iqr 2               
        * 8) Define how the percentages should be rounded 
                local digits_perc 1

    *!* Check long variable names   *!*

    * We need to check the length of the categorical variable names

     findname `categorical', any(length("@") > 31)

    if missing(`"`r(variables)'"') {
        display "No Variable is too long"
    else {

     local longvarnames r(varlist)
     dis `longvarnames'

     * We should reduce the length of some categorical variables, because we will add some letters to the variables when we create dummy variables 

    * The best way would be that you change the names manually, but we could also do it automatically 

    foreach var of varlist `r(varlist)' {
        dis "old: " "`var'"
       local newvar = substr("`var'", 1, 32)
       rename `var' `newvar'
       dis "new: " "`newvar'"

    * You need to change the names in the local for categorical variables!

    *!*     Grouping Variable       *!*
    * Create the grouping variable - i.e. for each value of the grouping variable a header will be created later on 
    * https://www.stata.com/support/faqs/data-management/try-all-values-with-foreach/

    egen group = group(`groupingVariable')
    su group, meanonly

    local groups = r(max)

    *!*     Headers     *!*

    * Create the headers in long format (we will later reshape them to wide)

    gen Variable = ""
    gen Statistics = "" 
    gen Response_Option =""
    gen Groupe   = .
    gen N        = .
    gen mean_sd  = ""

    *!*  Statistic Continuous Variables     *!*

    local line = 1 

    foreach i of num 1/`groups' {
        foreach var of local continuous {
            replace Groupe = `i' in `line'
            capture: drop tmpmean 
            capture: drop tmpsd 
            replace Variable = "`var'" in `line'
            replace Statistics = "Mean (SD)" in `line'
            sum `var' if `groupingVariable'==`i'
            replace N = r(N) in `line'
            dis r(mean)
            dis r(sd)
            gen tmpmean = r(mean)
            gen tmpsd = r(sd)
            tostring tmpmean tmpsd, force replace 
            replace mean_sd = string(real(tmpmean),"%9.`digits_mean_sd'f") +" (" + string(real(tmpsd), "%9.`digits_mean_sd'f") + ")" in `line'

        local line = `line' +1
    *!*  Statistic Ordinal or Skewed Variables      *!*

    foreach i of num 1/`groups' {
        foreach var of local ordinal {
            replace Groupe = `i' in `line'
            capture: drop tmpmedian 
            capture: drop tmpp25
            capture: drop tmpp75
            replace Variable = "`var'" in `line'
            replace Statistics = "Median (IQR)" in `line'
            tabstat `var' if `groupingVariable'==`i', stats(n p50 p25 p75) save
            matrix stats = r(StatTotal)
            replace N = stats[1,1] in `line'
            gen tmpmedian = stats[2,1]
            gen tmpp25 = stats[3,1]
            gen tmpp75 = stats[4,1]
            tostring tmpmedian tmpp25 tmpp75, force replace 
            replace mean_sd = string(real(tmpmedian),"%9.`digits_median_iqr'f") +" (" + string(real(tmpp25), "%9.`digits_median_iqr'f") + " to " + string(real(tmpp75), "%9.`digits_median_iqr'f") + ")" in `line'

        local line = `line' +1

    *!*     categorical variables       *!*

    gen AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical = 1 
    order `categorical', after(AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical) 

    * create dummy variables so that it is easier to calculate n and percentages per category 

    foreach var of local categorical{
        tabulate `var', gen(`var')

    gen zzz_lastVariable=1 
    order AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical - zzz_lastVariable, sequential // moves categorical variables together and sorts them alphabetically 
    order AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical - zzz_lastVariable, after(tmpsd)
    * do the stats 

        foreach i of num 1/`groups' {

    foreach var of  varlist AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical - zzz_lastVariable {
                dis "variable: " "`var'"
                replace Groupe = `i' in `line'
                replace Variable = "`var'" in `line'
                replace Statistics = "N (%)" in `line'
                capture: drop tmpn 
                capture: drop tmpperc 
                local label:  variable label `var'
                replace Response_Option = "`label'" in `line'
                sum `var' if `groupingVariable'==`i'
                if r(max)>1 {
                replace N = r(N) in `line'  
                gen tmpn = round(r(N),1)
                tostring tmpn, force replace 
                replace mean_sd = "100%"  in `line'
                gen tmpn = r(mean)*r(N)
                gen tmpperc = r(mean)*100 
                tostring tmpn tmpperc, force replace 
                replace mean_sd = string(real(tmpn),"%9.`digits_perc'f") +" (" + string(real(tmpperc), "%9.`digits_perc'f") + "%)" in `line'
            local line = `line' +1

drop if Variable =="" 
gen sortorder = _n 
bysort Groupe (sortorder) : gen orderInTable =_n
gsort orderInTable Groupe  
    *!*     Creating the final table        *!*
    drop if Variable == "AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical"
    drop if Variable == "zzz_lastVariable"
    _crcslbl Groupe "`groupingVariable'" // puts the variable label of the grouping variable to the Groupe variable 
    local labelgroup : value label `groupingVariable' // makes it possible to reuse the value labels of the grouping variable 
    label values Groupe `labelgroup' // puts the value labels onto the Groupe variable 
    tab Groupe 

    ** The next line just create locals for each level of the grouping variable, so that we can use these names 

        levelsof Groupe , local(levels)
        local lbe : value label Groupe
        foreach l of local levels {
            local groupe_name`l' : label `lbe' `l'

    ** Now reshape the table wide 

    keep Variable  - mean_sd orderInTable
    drop if Variable==""
    reshape wide  N mean_sd, i(Variable) j(Groupe) 
    gsort orderInTable
    * List with groupe names
    gen Groupe_Number= .
    gen Groupe_Names = ""

    local line = 1 
    foreach var of local levels {
        replace Groupe_Number = `line' in `line'
        replace Groupe_Names="`groupe_name`line''" in `line'
    local line = `line'+ 1 
    * The next two lines just do some cosmetics 
    tostring Groupe_Number, replace
    replace Groupe_Number="" if Groupe_Number=="." 
    order Variable Statistics
export excel using "example_automated_baseline_table_stata.xlsx", sheetmodify firstrow(variables)


No Variable is too long

(405 missing values generated)

(405 missing values generated)

(405 missing values generated)

(405 missing values generated)

(405 missing values generated)

(405 missing values generated)

(1 real change made)
variable Variable was str1 now str3
(1 real change made)
variable Statistics was str1 now str9
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         age |         81    80.18519    7.614314         65        100
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
variable mean_sd was str1 now str12
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Variable was str3 now str8
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    bmi_t0m0 |         79    25.22807    4.647429   17.14678   45.91368
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Variable was str8 now str30
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
N_Falls_Pa~0 |         81    1.209877    1.190757          0          6
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   mmse_t0m0 |         81    28.49383    1.732942         20         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   FESI_t0m0 |         81    28.53086    9.928603         17         61
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    TUG_t0m0 |         81    13.26519    5.853485      5.455     31.795
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_sp~0 |         81    1.008128    .3395404   .3833866   1.721664
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
five_time_~0 |         70    16.69036    6.030433       8.05     35.395
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
one_leg_st~0 |         81    4.469753    9.745017          0         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         age |        166     78.8253    6.974383         65         96
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    bmi_t0m0 |        162    26.00122    4.755086   15.42314   43.28824
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str10
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
N_Falls_Pa~0 |        166    1.307229    1.516238          0         10
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   mmse_t0m0 |        166    28.28916    1.691548         22         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   FESI_t0m0 |        166    27.69277     8.36346         16         59
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    TUG_t0m0 |        166    12.97599    5.191425      5.905      34.96
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_sp~0 |        166    1.064873    .3483515   .2452483   1.904762
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
five_time_~0 |        149    16.46131    5.444067       8.05      41.47
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
one_leg_st~0 |        166    3.918554    8.335148          0         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         age |        158    78.58228    6.632496         67         93
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str10
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    bmi_t0m0 |        149    25.42992    4.902309   15.41827   43.82761
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
N_Falls_Pa~0 |        158    1.607595    3.053317          0         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str10
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   mmse_t0m0 |        158    28.33544    1.683985         22         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str10
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
   FESI_t0m0 |        158    27.81013     8.66441         16         55
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
    TUG_t0m0 |        158    13.25778    6.280549      5.345         51
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_sp~0 |        158    1.052932     .342626   .1427891   1.846154
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
five_time_~0 |        138    16.87873     7.40153          7         54
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
one_leg_st~0 |        158    4.373418    8.885725          0         30
(1 real change made)
tmpmean was float now str11
tmpmean was forced to string; some loss of information
tmpsd was float now str11
tmpsd was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)

 10.                         matrix stats = r(StatTotal)
 11.                         replace N = stats[1,1] in `line'
 12.                         gen tmpmedian = stats[2,1]
 13.                         gen tmpp25 = stats[3,1]
 14.                         gen tmpp75 = stats[4,1]
 15.                         tostring tmpmedian tmpp25 tmpp75, force replace 
 16.                         replace mean_sd = string(real(tmpmedian),"%9.`digi
> ts_median_iqr'f") +" (" + string(real(tmpp25), "%9.`digits_median_iqr'f") + "
>  to " + string(real(tmpp75), "%9.`digits_median_iqr'f") + ")" in `line'
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Statistics was str9 now str12
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
sppb_total~0 |        81         8         7         9
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str1
variable mean_sd was str12 now str19
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
number_of_~0 |        78         3         1         4
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
sppb_total~0 |       166         8         7         9
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
number_of_~0 |       164         3         2         6
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
sppb_total~0 |       158         8         7         9
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |         N       p50       p25       p75
number_of_~0 |       156         3         1       5.5
(1 real change made)
tmpmedian was float now str1
tmpp25 was float now str1
tmpp75 was float now str3
(1 real change made)

urban_rural |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      Rural |        318       78.52       78.52
      Urban |         87       21.48      100.00
      Total |        405      100.00

fall_last_1 |
2months_t0m |
          0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |        138       34.07       34.07
        Yes |        267       65.93      100.00
      Total |        405      100.00

              No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
Light Injury, functional limitation > 3 |         53       19.85       19.85
  Moderate injury, medical consultation |         50       18.73       38.58
                              No injury |         68       25.47       64.04
Severe injury, emergency room or hospit |         96       35.96      100.00
                                  Total |        267      100.00

fall_risk_c |
ategory_t0m |
          0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        Low |         64       15.80       15.80
   Moderate |        146       36.05       51.85
       High |        195       48.15      100.00
      Total |        405      100.00

        sex |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
        Men |        106       26.17       26.17
      Women |        299       73.83      100.00
      Total |        405      100.00

neurologica |
l_disease_t |
        0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |        331       84.65       84.65
        Yes |         60       15.35      100.00
      Total |        391      100.00

musculoskel |
etal_disord |
    er_t0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |         56       14.32       14.32
        Yes |        335       85.68      100.00
      Total |        391      100.00

urinary_inc |
ontinence_t |
        0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |        266       68.21       68.21
        Yes |        124       31.79      100.00
      Total |        390      100.00

vision_impa |
irment_t0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |         67       17.18       17.18
        Yes |        323       82.82      100.00
      Total |        390      100.00

walking_aid |
          s |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
         No |        208       51.49       51.49
        Yes |        196       48.51      100.00
      Total |        404      100.00

fear_of_fal |
  ling_t0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
      Never |         81       20.00       20.00
  Sometimes |        281       69.38       89.38
     Always |         43       10.62      100.00
      Total |        405      100.00

                living_situation_t0m0 |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                                Alone |        216       55.38       55.38
                               Couple |        158       40.51       95.90
                 Protected Appartment |          3        0.77       96.67
With family members other than spouse |         13        3.33      100.00
                                Total |        390      100.00

          Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
                              No Injury |         68       25.47       25.47
                Light Injury (< 3 days) |         53       19.85       45.32
 Moderate Injury (medical consultation) |         50       18.73       64.04
Severe Injury (Emergency Consultation o |         96       35.96      100.00
                                  Total |        267      100.00

  3.                                 dis "variable: " "`var'"
  4.                                 replace Groupe = `i' in `line'
  5.                                 replace Variable = "`var'" in `line'
  6.                                 replace Statistics = "N (%)" in `line'
  7.                                 capture: drop tmpn 
  8.                                 capture: drop tmpperc 
  9.                                 local label:  variable label `var'
 10.                                 replace Response_Option = "`label'" in `li
> ne'
 11.                                 sum `var' if `groupingVariable'==`i'
 23.                                                                 }
 24.                         local line = `line' +1
 25.                 }
 26.         }
variable: AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
AAA_fromHe~l |         81           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_m~0 |         52    2.634615    1.188653          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Response_Option was str1 now str71
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~01 |         52    .2692308    .4478876          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~02 |         52    .1346154    .3446423          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~03 |         52    .2884615     .457467          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Response_Option was str71 now str75
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~04 |         52    .3076923    .4660414          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~r |         52    2.461538    1.212056          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~1 |         52    .2884615     .457467          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~2 |         52    .2692308    .4478876          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor3
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~3 |         52    .1346154    .3446423          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor4
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
variable Response_Option was str75 now str80
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~4 |         52    .3076923    .4660414          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last_~0 |         81    1.641975    .4824065          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~01 |         81    .3580247    .4824065          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~02 |         81    .6419753    .4824065          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk_~0 |         81    2.308642    .7183658          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~01 |         81    .1481481    .3574602          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~02 |         81    .3950617    .4919099          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~03 |         81    .4567901     .501233          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_fa~0 |         81    1.925926    .6280481          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~01 |         81    .2345679    .4263685          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~02 |         81    .6049383    .4919099          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~03 |         81    .1604938    .3693504          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_sit~0 |         79    1.493671    .6956535          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~01 |         79    .5822785    .4963352          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~02 |         79    .3797468    .4884249          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~03 |         79           0           0          0          0
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str1
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~04 |         79    .0379747    .1923564          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculoske~0 |         79    1.810127    .3947069          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~01 |         79    .1898734    .3947069          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~02 |         79    .8101266    .3947069          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologic~0 |         79    1.151899    .3612162          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~01 |         79    .8481013    .3612162          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~02 |         79    .1518987    .3612162          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: sex
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         sex |         81    1.777778      .41833          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: sex1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex1 |         81    .2222222      .41833          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: sex2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex2 |         81    .7777778      .41833          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
 urban_rural |         81    1.209877    .4097575          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural1 |         81    .7901235    .4097575          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural2 |         81    .2098765    .4097575          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_in~0 |         79    1.303797    .4628349          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~01 |         79    .6962025    .4628349          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~02 |         79    .3037975    .4628349          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_imp~0 |         79     1.78481    .4135799          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~01 |         79    .2151899    .4135799          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~02 |         79    .7848101    .4135799          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_aids |         81    1.481481    .5027701          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~1 |         81    .5185185    .5027701          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~2 |         81    .4814815    .5027701          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: zzz_lastVariable
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
zzz_lastVa~e |         81           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
AAA_fromHe~l |        166           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_m~0 |        106    2.849057    1.127935          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~01 |        106    .1792453    .3853797          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~02 |        106    .1792453    .3853797          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~03 |        106     .254717    .4377719          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~04 |        106    .3867925    .4893291          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str9
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~r |        106    2.698113    1.228005          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~1 |        106     .254717    .4377719          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~2 |        106    .1792453    .3853797          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor3
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~3 |        106    .1792453    .3853797          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor4
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~4 |        106    .3867925    .4893291          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str9
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last_~0 |        166    1.638554    .4818729          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~01 |        166    .3614458    .4818729          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~02 |        166    .6385542    .4818729          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk_~0 |        166    2.343373    .7110714          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~01 |        166    .1385542    .3465261          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~02 |        166    .3795181    .4867353          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~03 |        166    .4819277    .5011852          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_fa~0 |        166    1.879518    .5139883          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~01 |        166    .1987952    .4003011          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~02 |        166    .7228916    .4489247          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~03 |        166    .0783133    .2694768          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_sit~0 |        162    1.555556    .6498925          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~01 |        162    .5061728    .5015122          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~02 |        162    .4567901     .499674          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~03 |        162    .0123457    .1107655          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~04 |        162    .0246914     .155664          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculoske~0 |        162    1.901235    .2992719          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~01 |        162    .0987654    .2992719          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~02 |        162    .9012346    .2992719          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologic~0 |        162    1.166667    .3738336          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~01 |        162    .8333333    .3738336          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~02 |        162    .1666667    .3738336          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: sex
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         sex |        166    1.716867    .4518834          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: sex1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex1 |        166    .2831325    .4518834          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: sex2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex2 |        166    .7168675    .4518834          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
 urban_rural |        166    1.222892    .4174454          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural1 |        166    .7771084    .4174454          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural2 |        166    .2228916    .4174454          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_in~0 |        162     1.37037    .4844013          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~01 |        162    .6296296    .4844013          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~02 |        162    .3703704    .4844013          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str10
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_imp~0 |        161    1.819876    .3854899          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~01 |        161    .1801242    .3854899          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~02 |        161    .8198758    .3854899          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_aids |        165    1.484848    .5012918          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~1 |        165    .5151515    .5012918          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~2 |        165    .4848485    .5012918          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: zzz_lastVariable
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
zzz_lastVa~e |        166           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: AAA_fromHereOnAreCategorical
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
AAA_fromHe~l |        158           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_m~0 |        109    2.770642    1.127378          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~01 |        109    .1834862    .3888525          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~02 |        109    .2201835    .4162842          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~03 |        109    .2385321    .4281546          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
No_light_~04 |        109    .3577982    .4815664          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~r |        109    2.697248    1.190274          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~1 |        109    .2385321    .4281546          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~2 |        109    .1834862    .3888525          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor3
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~3 |        109    .2201835    .4162842          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor4
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
Severity_F~4 |        109    .3577982    .4815664          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last_~0 |        158    1.689873     .464016          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~01 |        158    .3101266     .464016          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_last_12months_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_last~02 |        158    .6898734     .464016          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk_~0 |        158    2.310127    .7646813          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~01 |        158    .1835443     .388343          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~02 |        158    .3227848    .4690278          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fall_risk_category_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fall_risk~03 |        158    .4936709    .5015496          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_fa~0 |        158    1.924051    .5358998          1          3
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~01 |        158    .1835443     .388343          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~02 |        158    .7088608     .455732          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: fear_of_falling_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
fear_of_f~03 |        158    .1075949    .3108534          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_sit~0 |        149    1.496644     .713046          1          4
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~01 |        149     .590604    .4933808          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~02 |        149    .3624161    .4823194          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m03
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~03 |        149    .0067114    .0819232          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: living_situation_t0m04
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
living_si~04 |        149    .0402685    .1972512          0          1
tmpn was float now str1
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculoske~0 |        150    1.833333    .3739265          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~01 |        150    .1666667    .3739265          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
musculosk~02 |        150    .8333333    .3739265          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologic~0 |        150        1.14    .3481495          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~01 |        150         .86    .3481495          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: neurological_disease_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
neurologi~02 |        150         .14    .3481495          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: sex
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
         sex |        158    1.740506    .4397506          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: sex1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex1 |        158    .2594937    .4397506          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: sex2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
        sex2 |        158    .7405063    .4397506          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
 urban_rural |        158    1.208861    .4077872          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural1 |        158    .7911392    .4077872          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urban_rural2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urban_rural2 |        158    .2088608    .4077872          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_in~0 |        149    1.268456     .444651          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~01 |        149    .7315436     .444651          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: urinary_incontinence_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
urinary_i~02 |        149    .2684564     .444651          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m0
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_imp~0 |        150        1.86    .3481495          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m01
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~01 |        150         .14    .3481495          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: vision_impairment_t0m02
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
vision_im~02 |        150         .86    .3481495          0          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str2
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_aids |        158    1.487342    .5014291          1          2
(1 real change made)
tmpn was float now str3
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids1
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~1 |        158    .5126582    .5014291          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: walking_aids2
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
walking_ai~2 |        158    .4873418    .5014291          0          1
tmpn was float now str2
tmpperc was float now str11
tmpperc was forced to string; some loss of information
(1 real change made)
variable: zzz_lastVariable
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(0 real changes made)

    Variable |        Obs        Mean    Std. dev.       Min        Max
zzz_lastVa~e |        158           1           0          1          1
tmpn was float now str3
tmpperc was float now str3
(1 real change made)

(225 observations deleted)

(3 observations deleted)

(3 observations deleted)

randomisati |
  on_factor |      Freq.     Percent        Cum.
    Control |         58       33.33       33.33
        T&E |         58       33.33       66.67
      Otago |         58       33.33      100.00
      Total |        174      100.00

1 2 3

(0 observations deleted)

(j = 1 2 3)

Data                               Long   ->   Wide
Number of observations              174   ->   58          
Number of variables                   7   ->   10          
j variable (3 values)            Groupe   ->   (dropped)
xij variables:
                                      N   ->   N1 N2 N3
                                mean_sd   ->   mean_sd1 mean_sd2 mean_sd3

(58 missing values generated)

(58 missing values generated)

(1 real change made)
variable Groupe_Names was str1 now str7
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)
(1 real change made)

Groupe_Number was float now str1

(55 real changes made)

file example_automated_baseline_table_stata.xlsx saved

Wir können die Tabelle im Excel in einem zweiten Tabellenblatt formatieren. Das werde ich später in einem Video zeigen. Hier nur die unformatierte Version:

table %>%
  kbl(caption = "Baseline characteristics of participants in the three groups") %>%
  kable_classic(full_width = F, html_font = "Cambria")
Table 61.11: Baseline characteristics of participants in the three groups
Variable Statistics N1 mean_sd1 N2 mean_sd2 N3 mean_sd3 Response_Option orderInTable Groupe_Number Groupe_Names
age Mean (SD) 81 80.19 (7.61) 166 78.83 (6.97) 158 78.58 (6.63) NA 1 1 Control
bmi_t0m0 Mean (SD) 79 25.23 (4.65) 162 26.00 (4.76) 149 25.43 (4.90) NA 2 2 T&E
N_Falls_Past_12Months_prior_t0 Mean (SD) 81 1.21 (1.19) 166 1.31 (1.52) 158 1.61 (3.05) NA 3 3 Otago
mmse_t0m0 Mean (SD) 81 28.49 (1.73) 166 28.29 (1.69) 158 28.34 (1.68) NA 4 NA NA
FESI_t0m0 Mean (SD) 81 28.53 (9.93) 166 27.69 (8.36) 158 27.81 (8.66) NA 5 NA NA
TUG_t0m0 Mean (SD) 81 13.27 (5.85) 166 12.98 (5.19) 158 13.26 (6.28) NA 6 NA NA
walking_speed_6mwt_t0m0 Mean (SD) 81 1.01 (0.34) 166 1.06 (0.35) 158 1.05 (0.34) NA 7 NA NA
five_time_sts_t0m0 Mean (SD) 70 16.69 (6.03) 149 16.46 (5.44) 138 16.88 (7.40) NA 8 NA NA
one_leg_stand_30sec_t0m0 Mean (SD) 81 4.47 (9.75) 166 3.92 (8.34) 158 4.37 (8.89) NA 9 NA NA
sppb_total_t0m0 Median (IQR) 81 8.00 (7.00 to 9.00) 166 8.00 (7.00 to 9.00) 158 8.00 (7.00 to 9.00) NA 10 NA NA
number_of_medication_t0m0 Median (IQR) 78 3.00 (1.00 to 4.00) 164 3.00 (2.00 to 6.00) 156 3.00 (1.00 to 5.50) NA 11 NA NA
No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0 N (%) 52 100% 106 100% 109 100% NA 13 NA NA
No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m01 N (%) NA 14.0 (26.9%) NA 19.0 (17.9%) NA 20.0 (18.3%) No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0==Light Injury, functional limitation > 3 days 14 NA NA
No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m02 N (%) NA 7.0 (13.5%) NA 19.0 (17.9%) NA 24.0 (22.0%) No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0==Moderate injury, medical consultation 15 NA NA
No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m03 N (%) NA 15.0 (28.8%) NA 27.0 (25.5%) NA 26.0 (23.9%) No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0==No injury 16 NA NA
No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m04 N (%) NA 16.0 (30.8%) NA 41.0 (38.7%) NA 39.0 (35.8%) No_light_mod_sev_inj_t0m0==Severe injury, emergency room or hospitalisation 17 NA NA
Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor N (%) 52 100% 106 100% 109 100% NA 18 NA NA
Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor1 N (%) NA 15.0 (28.8%) NA 27.0 (25.5%) NA 26.0 (23.9%) Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor==No Injury 19 NA NA
Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor2 N (%) NA 14.0 (26.9%) NA 19.0 (17.9%) NA 20.0 (18.3%) Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor==Light Injury (< 3 days) 20 NA NA
Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor3 N (%) NA 7.0 (13.5%) NA 19.0 (17.9%) NA 24.0 (22.0%) Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor==Moderate Injury (medical consultation) 21 NA NA
Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor4 N (%) NA 16.0 (30.8%) NA 41.0 (38.7%) NA 39.0 (35.8%) Severity_Fall_12m_t0m0_factor==Severe Injury (Emergency Consultation or Hospital 22 NA NA
fall_last_12months_t0m0 N (%) 81 100% 166 100% 158 100% NA 23 NA NA
fall_last_12months_t0m01 N (%) NA 29.0 (35.8%) NA 60.0 (36.1%) NA 49.0 (31.0%) fall_last_12months_t0m0==No 24 NA NA
fall_last_12months_t0m02 N (%) NA 52.0 (64.2%) NA 106.0 (63.9%) NA 109.0 (69.0%) fall_last_12months_t0m0==Yes 25 NA NA
fall_risk_category_t0m0 N (%) 81 100% 166 100% 158 100% NA 26 NA NA
fall_risk_category_t0m01 N (%) NA 12.0 (14.8%) NA 23.0 (13.9%) NA 29.0 (18.4%) fall_risk_category_t0m0==Low 27 NA NA
fall_risk_category_t0m02 N (%) NA 32.0 (39.5%) NA 63.0 (38.0%) NA 51.0 (32.3%) fall_risk_category_t0m0==Moderate 28 NA NA
fall_risk_category_t0m03 N (%) NA 37.0 (45.7%) NA 80.0 (48.2%) NA 78.0 (49.4%) fall_risk_category_t0m0==High 29 NA NA
fear_of_falling_t0m0 N (%) 81 100% 166 100% 158 100% NA 30 NA NA
fear_of_falling_t0m01 N (%) NA 19.0 (23.5%) NA 33.0 (19.9%) NA 29.0 (18.4%) fear_of_falling_t0m0==Never 31 NA NA
fear_of_falling_t0m02 N (%) NA 49.0 (60.5%) NA 120.0 (72.3%) NA 112.0 (70.9%) fear_of_falling_t0m0==Sometimes 32 NA NA
fear_of_falling_t0m03 N (%) NA 13.0 (16.0%) NA 13.0 (7.8%) NA 17.0 (10.8%) fear_of_falling_t0m0==Always 33 NA NA
living_situation_t0m0 N (%) 79 100% 162 100% 149 100% NA 34 NA NA
living_situation_t0m01 N (%) NA 46.0 (58.2%) NA 82.0 (50.6%) NA 88.0 (59.1%) living_situation_t0m0==Alone 35 NA NA
living_situation_t0m02 N (%) NA 30.0 (38.0%) NA 74.0 (45.7%) NA 54.0 (36.2%) living_situation_t0m0==Couple 36 NA NA
living_situation_t0m03 N (%) NA 0.0 (0.0%) NA 2.0 (1.2%) NA 1.0 (0.7%) living_situation_t0m0==Protected Appartment 37 NA NA
living_situation_t0m04 N (%) NA 3.0 (3.8%) NA 4.0 (2.5%) NA 6.0 (4.0%) living_situation_t0m0==With family members other than spouse 38 NA NA
musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0 N (%) 79 100% 162 100% 150 100% NA 39 NA NA
musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m01 N (%) NA 15.0 (19.0%) NA 16.0 (9.9%) NA 25.0 (16.7%) musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0==No 40 NA NA
musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m02 N (%) NA 64.0 (81.0%) NA 146.0 (90.1%) NA 125.0 (83.3%) musculoskeletal_disorder_t0m0==Yes 41 NA NA
neurological_disease_t0m0 N (%) 79 100% 162 100% 150 100% NA 42 NA NA
neurological_disease_t0m01 N (%) NA 67.0 (84.8%) NA 135.0 (83.3%) NA 129.0 (86.0%) neurological_disease_t0m0==No 43 NA NA
neurological_disease_t0m02 N (%) NA 12.0 (15.2%) NA 27.0 (16.7%) NA 21.0 (14.0%) neurological_disease_t0m0==Yes 44 NA NA
sex N (%) 81 100% 166 100% 158 100% NA 45 NA NA
sex1 N (%) NA 18.0 (22.2%) NA 47.0 (28.3%) NA 41.0 (25.9%) sex==Men 46 NA NA
sex2 N (%) NA 63.0 (77.8%) NA 119.0 (71.7%) NA 117.0 (74.1%) sex==Women 47 NA NA
urban_rural N (%) 81 100% 166 100% 158 100% NA 48 NA NA
urban_rural1 N (%) NA 64.0 (79.0%) NA 129.0 (77.7%) NA 125.0 (79.1%) urban_rural==Rural 49 NA NA
urban_rural2 N (%) NA 17.0 (21.0%) NA 37.0 (22.3%) NA 33.0 (20.9%) urban_rural==Urban 50 NA NA
urinary_incontinence_t0m0 N (%) 79 100% 162 100% 149 100% NA 51 NA NA
urinary_incontinence_t0m01 N (%) NA 55.0 (69.6%) NA 102.0 (63.0%) NA 109.0 (73.2%) urinary_incontinence_t0m0==No 52 NA NA
urinary_incontinence_t0m02 N (%) NA 24.0 (30.4%) NA 60.0 (37.0%) NA 40.0 (26.8%) urinary_incontinence_t0m0==Yes 53 NA NA
vision_impairment_t0m0 N (%) 79 100% 161 100% 150 100% NA 54 NA NA
vision_impairment_t0m01 N (%) NA 17.0 (21.5%) NA 29.0 (18.0%) NA 21.0 (14.0%) vision_impairment_t0m0==No 55 NA NA
vision_impairment_t0m02 N (%) NA 62.0 (78.5%) NA 132.0 (82.0%) NA 129.0 (86.0%) vision_impairment_t0m0==Yes 56 NA NA
walking_aids N (%) 81 100% 165 100% 158 100% NA 57 NA NA
walking_aids1 N (%) NA 42.0 (51.9%) NA 85.0 (51.5%) NA 81.0 (51.3%) walking_aids==No 58 NA NA
walking_aids2 N (%) NA 39.0 (48.1%) NA 80.0 (48.5%) NA 77.0 (48.7%) walking_aids==Yes 59 NA NA